Werth Family Page
This page updated April 13, 2010
Awaiting additional information and photos.
Roberta in the 50's
(This picture is one of my favorites, she sent it to me way back then.)
Roberta sent these pictures 6 November 2008
Roberta and Mom
Mom, Donna, Don (back row), Dorothy, Roberta (second row), and Vickie in front.
Mom and Dad
Roberta Wrote 7/24/2008
I was born in Dell Rapids South Dakota. at home on the kitchen table. thats what mom told me. I can remember thinking that was awfull. cause I wanted to be born in a hospital like everyone else.....hahaha. I was born in 1943 Dec. 12.
I remember that house in Texas. with the horse next door.
we used to ride and I would be sitting at the back and always sliding off. I
also remember when we used to go to the water stream, and throw rocks in the
water. I also remember picking some kind of berries. I remember they taste so
good .
I also remember one nite we were living in a trailer house, I think somewhere
in texas way out in the boonies... and there was a house close by that we could
see from our trailer....and one nite we here a shot. and somebody shot someone
in the house. and i remember you found the gun the next day.
I also remember when we lived in another trailer or was it the same one just
a different place in texas?any way it was snowing that day and we were out playing
and some one got shot. and i remember him laying on the cold snow with red blood
all around him seeping into the white snow.and then Donna took my hand and took
me back to the trailer we were living in. i also remember when you got hurt
on the ship down in the steamroom. that was real sad i can remember mom so upset.
if i can think of other things i will mail them to you as i get time to.
My kids birthdates are:
Kim -March 5th 1964
Glenn-March 5th 1967
Laura-Feb. 16th 1970
Richard(Ricky) Oct.13th1972
Kimberly and Glenn
Roberta and Friend 1950's
Laura, Richard, Kim, Ricky, Roberta, Glenn - The Werths
Glenn and Kristin Wedding Day
Roberta at Glenn's Wedding
Laura with husbamd Sam, his brother, sister, Mother and Father with Dan and Donna at Glenns Wedding
Glenn and Kristen Werth at Crator Lake Oregon
Glenn and Kristen moved to Klamath Falls Oregon in March 2006.
Now that's SNOW!
Roberta sent the folliwing email message and photos August 8th, 2009:
Don, maby you can use some of these pics. I love the one of Me and Paige, it was Laura's birthday , and Ssam's mom and dad were there. The other pictures were when Glenn and Kristen came out. We were at her moms and went to the marina in Ventura Ca. for a very nice dinner.
If you need more info just call me and I can tell you over the phone. love you too......I am going to come up with more, just need to go through some of them, but i would really like you to use the one of Me and Paige, Paige and Matthew ....they mean so much to me.Yalk to you later .....Roberta
On April 12, 2010 Glenn sent the following pictures of new baby Emma and proud mom Kristin: